Just Walk Beside Me!

Just Walk Beside Me!

“What I need is a person who can be a soul mate.” It is not just my story but what I believe and a strong urge of fellow beings can be seen by the expressions and feelings. Secrets can be shared with anyone, feelings cannot. Consistency of the person matters in cases where your approaches can be your weak points, wondering for who is trustworthy accept the ones in your full buoyancy.

Am I going off the topic? It can be explained simply with the quote of Albert Camus that inspired me to express my vision which stated, “Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” Yes I may not lead so please don’t follow, follow the ones who are perfect and human beings can never be so. I will not follow too, I have my own way. Friendship is not a relationship; it can be defined as a feeling of cure when hurt, the energy drinks when down, an alleyway when lost, a hope when disenchanted. Every relation has its uniqueness like mother, father, sister, brother, class fellow and a friend can be anyone in your relationships.

Communication makes people come closer and friends cannot come out in circumstances where face to face communications are once in a blue moon. People with the same mindsets doesn’t want you to follow them nor they allow you to lead them and this has been experienced by me frequently. Words cannot define the bonding of companions and everyone needs someone who Just Walk Beside.

Synopsis – Life in Era 21

Synopsis – Life in Era 21

I haven’t seen my patriarchal grandparents, I heard they were very pious, religious and yes why I don’t believe on these confrontations when my maternal grandparents were the same so whom I personally lived with at early age. Apart from it, the motive of the proclamation was neither to express the holiness of my grandparents nor to exaggerate but to know the reason behind it and observing my way of living.

We are living in 21st century where life is so moderate and advanced that we don’t have time for our parents, relatives and fellow beings. We pretend to behave sympathetic and compassionate, but if we think a while about ourselves, we are selfish and I am very much candid in asserting this avowal after experiencing the forum where I am currently surviving. In this time one has been communicated in need. The sweetness of relationships is in books or in history where a smirk from elder one can reflect hearts, hilarity from younger one can make the day, guests were treated like gift of Lord, sneers were true, sadness can be shared without reluctance, events were celebrated by visiting relatives and this whole story I heard from aged people due to the interest of knowing the fact that why we have become zombies of our time. We have a bookmark on us that we are educated, are we? Education doesn’t mean degree I believe; manners and training to be well conduct is compulsory which has squandered somewhere. Life is so busy, not available tags are on, using acronyms instead of full names has become a trend, but abridging names does not mean to fewer the respect of human beings.

One has the curiosity of reaching the unpredictable level, researches and advancements with extreme determination amazed the people of 80s. Some of the inventions are the reasons of mass destruction, but still mindsets are working to go beyond the limits. These negative impact has also been promoted somewhere by media. Media industry has a great impact on our minds and it paralyzed the way of thinking, living and modernizing. It is our feebleness that we follow and we follow on extreme.

However, with all the above negative points, there are so many optimistic opinions too. One from the great thoughts has to live meager in privileged and civilized societies is better than living sumptuous in unprivileged areas. We are true by thoughts, if we help you, we will give you our full of what we can. Life is practical in all aspects. Everyone is well aware of its responsibility, proper follow ups and things get concluded by time. We have strong decision making ability, we want to experience our mistakes even, and however, harmful they have been to us. We trust ourself, we are confident of what we do, we speak boldly.

The endings are not in sense of self-obsession, but a true face of our era wherewithal the adverse opinions we also have honorable views about us. It totally depends on a mindset of how it inhales the way of Life in Era 21.

Humanity at bribe

Humanity at bribe

Limited moments of life can never be elapsed from memory, we would not encountered those characters again who tousled those scenes with us though even don’t reminisce their faces too but the story leaves the marks somewhere in the corner of mind which hits us when we grasp those places again or just pass by. I recall one of such cherished scene happened when the motor bike I bought with all my hoards and a few loans to shun convince problems. It had not been enumerated and I was experiencing the ride on the main road of city frequently used for superior movements with full of swat. Abruptly one of white dressed constable signals me to stop, I was asked to park the bike sidewise and show him the identifications. I stated him that registration is in process and showed him buyer slip.

After few minutes of dialogue I swayed him with my meek performance that I am a student and it is my college direction. “Ok, you can give me some cash and I can leave you for now”, his confrontations. I took out my wallet and disclosed him that I carried ninety rupees with me; I indeed have no delinquent in giving them all and just left the place. I took them out of my wallet and gave over him all; he maxim my face like I am his boss. I was shocked when he moves his hand towards me with twenty and with his unforgettable words to me, “Keep them, you need them somewhere”. I was pleased inside and stunned too, left the place and thought that humanity still there even in bribe.

I know lure is not moral at any aspect. World goes on, time never stays for anybody, things sets to default and we move to our routine but few things can never overlooked. We never came across again but five minutes conversation with the constable give grounding in me that our behavior imitates the minds and changes it to deem kindness.

Stay calm and keep the rousing smile on face, you can win the world.

Amateur Maneuver

Amateur Maneuver

It was the downtime of software industry as this industry gives the uptime with January and budges down at stats graph until December when an inexperienced chap brought up a plan to commence software and web development business in October. He elucidates himself as a proficient of industry but his nastiest verdicts ended him with enormous losses.

He took a workplace in heart of the city to practice business and endowed handsome amount on electronic commodities. The team he appoints restrains an executive, a HR manager, a designer, and a developer. HR manager was an infant woman and his fiancée too. He use to pursue her commands at all aspects; it was the time of Holy festival and she solicit to confer a tea party to panel while exodus for holidays. Back from holidays, there should be a plan from executive to set the timings and gush of business. It was the downtime of business and there was no work for developer and designer to do apart from sitting and making demonstrations and proposals for diverse industries to dig up business. This plan goes fall short for the reason that even after demo and proposals no one is engrossed in business in November, which grounds him bear a loss of 2 months employees remuneration without earning a fifty pence piece.

On these contemporary situations of business, the executive represent a jagged psyche person to company who has hired with an obnoxious contract for the proprietor but in errand of this person, the job is to confer business and to prop up the drowning ferry. The innovative resource acquired some gleaming assessments, which shows anticipation to the company, and one of the key decisions is to amend the locality of company from suburban to viable area. Revised locality brought up with some high-quality projects and links but the rent was unaffordable so again company acquire his most usable resource to suggest something. He comes up with a solution and brings in another company in contract to compensate the half rent and to utilize office half day. The new-fangled company is a marketing company; anyhow, they persuade the owner and executive to promote their business to get some fine projects, which company necessitate. Owner of this software company paid on stipulate amount and a squad of ten people belonging to a notorious institution of higher education called to implement this venture.

The team diverge their plans but not giving an apposite elucidation, as it was also a company of unprincipled and unscrupulous populace. Lastly, the consequence screening another loss for Software Company and it is agonizing and deplorable; this made the executive and owner to play some stern strokes. Both of these executives setting up to acquire a few measures, the marketing company come up with a million dollars scheme for them. A global corporation wishes a complete System integration in three different towns designed for stock business. Conversations instigate with the global company and yet again the marketing delicate ruling workplace; it was a non-expectable moment for the company, stress was too much on the executives to take time-to-time decisions, meetings traverse perimeter of day and night. Both were slot in to get cleave to project at all circumstances as the worth of venture can revolutionize the surroundings of all.

Prerequisite from global company to propel the delegate for sight viewing and sign pact made the companies to scuttle for passports and permit dispensations. In mean time, the marketing company insists Software Company to bear all expenditure of travelling and other enthusiastic operating cost. An additional strain, proprietor of the software company introduces a crocodile of business to tackle the state of affairs and to hound marketing company’s demands. The ingress of this person cease all the enthusiasm of marketing group, moreover the changes he made in workflow amends ambiance of workplace. Inadequate visits to office ends and now contact is on e-mail and call, this amendment made impediment in the global project. Additionally, he challenged marketing people to present verification concerning the subsistence of global firm. However, it was then strong-willed that both marketing and Software Company would bearing the expenditure equally to make the first move.

Subsequent to all, impulsive molests from Software Company made marketing people sense for a moment about what happening to their strategy and tactics. Queries from Software Company on day of compensation made the core person violent and belligerent towards the software firm; this made the think tank of Software Company to end up project immediately and on his approval, an email generated by the executive using all his privileges to terminate the conformity. Massacre of project made the marketing personal light towards decisions and consider gravely into this substance but assessments of high authorities of software firm would not distorted on any circumstances. Finishing all agreements from marketing team, brain person of company decided to close the firm here; proposed friends & company deal, which were reject by everyone and this ends the amateur maneuver.

Business I Comprehend

Business I Comprehend

Designations have very significance further more it is part of business. When I sit to my designation, my stance commands me to proceed according to chaste professionalism and to lodge out of my mind by all my insubstantial affairs. I behave like a prime practiced person and to sustain this personality is very imperative for my business. Business verve is very different from normal one. According to my acquaintance: “Conviction and pledge has no implied in business”

When I have veteran with business then I truly feel that commitment in trade made to conk out. Businessperson of nowadays is of fabrics; showing proficient approach at official instance and swindle each person when casual. I have read in primaries about business of Apostle of God P.B.U.H; it was true and untainted, which takes it to conquest. Limpidness in trade harms today’s practice of business as it wholly depends on bilk and hoax but the end of a pure business must be coup; guaranteed.

Mannequin face and sound have no professionalism, be pure and factual towards field of life. Act and intonation must be ours nevertheless imitation to be a focus for natives; a professional one gets rid of dummy character, which once created in its eyes, never changed. It affects our business and to acquire sway in souk, these petite tips have importance. Laxity or lethargy for a day or week possibly cause an immense trouncing in business, people in initiative does not take it gravely but when it become decisive so they agonize for gigantic and time departed to recuperate. There are four ways to put up a business plan’ hallucination, aspiration, sketch and execution. To set an ambition and working for its accomplishment is very imperative, in start confront are from our self else from entrant. Every individual has his own judgment; what does he suppose for you are not important but you have to be bothered that his objective must not be detrimental for you in any line of attack. Distraction of psyche may cause a great hammering for anyone in business. Sharp and attractive brainpower is the indispensable prerequisite of big business and vigorous decision-making ability supposed to be in a businessperson otherwise crocodiles gulp down him with his industry. Simply a entrepreneur have to come back with each and every query even he never go in the course of with it by crafting phony respond to show that he has active aptitude to take plunk in marketplace.

Sentiment has no value in business; it has experienced that inhabitants become emotional and bears great thrashing. Tranquil and courteous behavior is the basic need in business. Businessperson has to be diplomatic and try to maintain a mature professional attitude with all. This is the main dot when businessperson loses their worth in market due to amateur and unsympathetic mind-set with patrons and cronies. Attitudes add up great value in marketplace and executive have to look into it.